Ove Andersen
Academic Employee at Aalborg University
Ove Andersen

Ove Andersen
Academic Employee

Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University
Selma Lagerlofs Vej 300
DK-9220 Aalborg East

Office 3.2.46
Direct phone: +45 9940 8907
Homepage: www.cs.aau.dk/~xcalibur/
Email: xcalibur@cs.aau.dk


Warning of Internet scam!.
Please read and share this link. It describes a scam that has been going on for some time now, that some people are selling stuff in the name of my father in law. People has lost lots of money on this scam and are travelling a long way to find out that the machines they have brought does not exist.

Welcome to my homepage.
My name is Ove Andersen, and I am an academic employee at Aalborg University within the Database and Programming Technology Group at the Depardment of Computer Science.
My main focus areas are Database systems and development of ETL and Business Intelligence applications for database systems.
Special focus areas are on ITS system and usage og GPS data and digital maps, along with other kinds of data, such as CAN data...


Estimering af bilers brændstofforbrug ved brug af eksisterende GPS data


Ove Andersen, Harry Lahrmann, and Kristian Torp

Selected Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 2012

GPS Data til undersœgelse af trængsel


Ove Andersen, Benjamin B. Krogh, and Kristian Torp

Paper presented at Vejforum, Nyborg, Danmark, 2012

An Open-Source ITS Platform


Ove Andersen and Kristian Torp


Trajectories for Novel and Detailed Traffic Information


Benjamin B. Krogh, Ove Andersne, and Kristian Torp

3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS) 2012. 3. udg. 2012

En Billig GPS Data Analyse Platform


Ove Andersen, Nick Christiansen, Niels T. Larsen, and Kristian Torp

Selected Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 2011

Hastighedskort for Danmark vha. GPS


Ove Andersen, Harry Lahrmann, and Kristian Torp

Selected Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 2011

Estimering af brændstofforbrug vha. GPS Data


Ove Andersen, Harry Lahrmann, and Kristian Torp

Selected Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 2010

A Location Privacy Aware Friend Locator

[link] [download]

Laurynas Šikšnys, Jeppe R. Thomsen, Simonas Šaltenis, Man Lung Yiu, and Ove Andersen

Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 11th International Symposium, 2009