Former Work

Student Projects

Dat8: Annis - A Grid Information Systemp

Dat7: Continued working with Job Manager and client library for NorduGrid ARC

Dat6: A Job Manager for the NorduGrid ARC

Dat5: Automatic Job Resubmission in the NorduGrid middleware

Dat4: Development of a tool used to auto-generate database abstraction layers

Dat3: Development of distributed raytracer

Dat2: Development of a kernel for a lego RCX

Dat1: Development of program to administrating a cattle farm

P2: Implementation of fortunes algorithm for voronoi diagrams with focus on e-learning

P1: Ensuring ciritical data on hospital networks

P0: Network protocols

Study Job

I worked in the Junta for three years while being a student. The Junta is a group of students assisting the system administrators.

My work areas where administration of the oracle databases, development of an adminstration system, Unix software installations and whatever come along.