Artificial Intelligence Programming: Logic Programming, Spring 2009

Lecturer: Yifeng Zeng

TA: Kamal Nasrollahi

1 Overview

The lectures are the second part of the Artificial Intelligence Programming course, and provides an introduction to some logic languages and programming techniques:

2 Course Literature

The course is based on

3 Schedule and Materials

Date Topics and Slides Reading in Russell and Norvig Exercises
1 19/03 Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic 7.1-7.5 and 8.1-8.3 Exercise 1;Solution
2 24/03 Inference 9.1-9.5 Exercise 2;Solution
3 31/03 Prolog --- Exercise 3;Solution

4 Examination

The course will be examined by completing a miniproject. Pls. find the miniproject information here. In addition, you may find a full, but simple, picture on the program execution here.

5 Acknowledgement

Part of lecture slides are the adaption of teaching materials for the book, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, and Dr. Pallab Dasgupta's AI course (at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur).